Father Lini Day in Vanuatu in 2026

Father Lini Day in Vanuatu in 2026
Father Walter Lini, the first Prime Minister of Vanuatu.
  How long until Father Lini Day?
Father Lini Day is in 332 days
  Dates of Father Lini Day in Vanuatu
2026 Vanuatu Sat, Feb 21 Public Holiday
2025 Vanuatu Fri, Feb 21 Public Holiday
2024 Vanuatu Wed, Feb 21 Public Holiday
2023 Vanuatu Tue, Feb 21 Public Holiday
2022 Vanuatu Mon, Feb 21 Public Holiday

Commemorates Vanuatu's first Prime minister and founder of independence

When is Father Walter Lini Day?

Father Walter Lini Day is a public holiday in Vanuatu on February 21st each year.

This holiday commemorates an important figure in the history of this South Pacific nation on the anniversary of his death in 1999.

History of Father Walter Lini Day

A former Anglican priest, Father Walter Lini became the first prime minister of the newly independent country of Vanuatu in 1980.

His term in office was controversial at times. He held socialist views that he believed matched his Christian values. He didn't hold back on admonishing large western nations such as France, opposing their nuclear testing, and America, who had a large naval presence in the region. He also established relations with the Communist Bloc, Libya, Cuba and Vietnam which further irritated Europe and the United States.

He provided support to the independence movement in New Caledonia and supported the independence of East Timor from Indonesia control.

Lini also pushed for what he called "Melanesian socialism" - a system based on the traditional Polynesian idea that a people's land is owned in common. 

Lini left office in 1991 and passed away on February 21st 1999.

Father Walter Lini Day has been a public holiday in Vanuatu since 1999.

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