Memorial Day in Uzbekistan in 2025

Memorial Day in Uzbekistan in 2025
Memorial Square, Tashkent Image via Deposit Photos
  How long until Memorial Day?
Memorial Day is in 45 days
  Dates of Memorial Day in Uzbekistan
2026 Uzbekistan Sat, May 9 National Holiday
2025 Uzbekistan Fri, May 9 National Holiday
2024 Uzbekistan Thu, May 9 National Holiday
2023 Uzbekistan Tue, May 9 National Holiday
2022 Uzbekistan Mon, May 9 National Holiday

Introduced by President Islam Karimov as a commemoration of those who suffered in the war against fascism during World War II and who sacrificed their lives for freedom of the country

When is Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is a national holiday in the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 5th each year.

Also known as the Day of Memory this holiday commemorates those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defence of the motherland.

History of Memorial Day

In other former Soviet republics, May 9th is dedicated to those who lost their lives in the second world war. That is why this holiday takes place on this day, but the scope of the memorial is wider than just the world war.

In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated in honour of the memory of all those patriots who during the centuries have heroically and self-denyingly protected the nation's territory, its freedom and independence, ensuring a peaceful life for the people. 

On this day people visit their relatives and friends, in particular, the elderly are honoured and visited.

In 1999,  Memory Memorial Square in Tashkent was opened and in that year, May 5th was introduced by President Islam Karimov as the Day of Memory.

Shown above, the main feature on the square is the monument of the grieving mother, erected in memory of more than 400 thousand Uzbek soldiers who did not return from the battlefields of the second world war.

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