March 1st Movement in South Korea in 2026

March 1st Movement in South Korea in 2026
83 Tower, Daegu. Image via Pixabay
  How long until March 1st Movement?
March 1st Movement is in 340 days
  Dates of March 1st Movement in South Korea
2026 South Korea Sun, Mar 1 National Holiday
2025 South Korea Sat, Mar 1 National Holiday
2024 South Korea Fri, Mar 1 National Holiday
2023 South Korea Wed, Mar 1 National Holiday
2022 South Korea Tue, Mar 1 National Holiday

Independence Movement Day (Samil Jeol) commemorates a nation-wide independence movement in South Korea which took place on March 1st 1919 in protest against colon

  Local name

When is Independence Movement Day?

Also known as March 1st Movement Day, Independence Movement Day is a public holiday in South Korea. It is always celebrated on March 1st.

History of Independence Movement Day

Locally called 'Samil Jeol', Independence Movement day commemorates a nation-wide independence movement which took place in 1919 in protest against colonisation by Japan.

On March 1st 1919 (Samil Jeol means "three-one," signifying the third month, first day), protestors demonstrated against the Japanese occupation which began in 1910, depriving Koreans of many freedoms.

the March 1st movement was a turning point; an estimated two million people took to the streets in peaceful demonstrations and a Declaration of Independence was read at a rally in Seoul.

The demonstrations were met with thousands of arrests and violence. It is estimated that around 15,000 Koreans were injured and around 7,000 were killed.

Independence leaders formed a provisional government abroad.

The date was designated a day of national commemoration in 1946, a year after Korea gained its independence, and became a national holiday in 1949.

How is Independence Movement Day celebrated?

The Day is marked by the reading of the 1919 Declaration of Independence at Pagoda Park in Seoul.

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