The Day of Valor in Philippines in 2025

The Day of Valor in Philippines in 2025
  How long until The Day of Valor?
The Day of Valor is in 12 days
  Dates of The Day of Valor in Philippines
2026 Philippines Thu, Apr 9 National Holiday
2025 Philippines Wed, Apr 9 National Holiday
2024 Philippines Tue, Apr 9 National Holiday
2023 Philippines Mon, Apr 10 National Holiday (in lieu)
2022 Philippines Sat, Apr 9 National Holiday

Araw ng Kagitingan commemorates the fall of the Bataan peninsula during the second world war.

  Local name
Araw ng Kagitingan

When is the Day of Valor?

Called 'Araw ng Kagitingan' in Filipino, this official regular nationwide holiday is celebrated annually on April 9th.

If the date clashes with an Easter holiday, then the day may be moved as was the case in 2009.

The holiday may also be known as 'Bataan Day' or 'Bataan and Corregidor Day'. It commemorates the fall of the Bataan peninsula during the second world war.

History of the Day of Valor

At dawn on April 9th 1942, Major General King, of the United States Army was forced to surrender his forces of over 76,000 Filipino, Chinese and American soldiers to the Japanese.

Unprepared for the number of prisoners, the Japanese decided to walk the prisoners 150km to a prison camp in San Fernando. Over 20,000 prisoners died on this march either through starvation, exhaustion or at the hands of the Japanese. The trek became infamous as the 'Bataan Death March'.

While the holiday marks an event which was a victory for the opposing forces, the heroic defence of Bataan by those soldiers was seen as a key event in the war, as it allowed the allies time to prepare for later battles which halted the Japanese progress in the pacific and eventually led to a turn in the fortunes and allied victory.

The Bataan peninsula was eventually retaken by American and Filipino forces on February 8th 1945.

How is the Day of Valor Celebrated?

To mark the day, veterans from the second world war will parade in many cities across the Philippines. The key event takes place at the Mt. Samat Shrine (pictured above) in Bataan, which honours the heroism and sacrifice of the Filipino and American troops during World War II. Here the president of the Philippines gives a speech to honour veterans.

In 1961, April 9th was declared Bataan Day. In 1987, it was renamed officially as 'Araw Ng Kagitingan' (Day of Valor) to pay tribute to those who defended Bataan, Corregidor and Bessang. From 2007, the holiday was designated to be observed on the Monday nearest April 9th, but since 2009 a yearly presidential decree has meant it is observed on April 9th.

As it is decreed as an official regular nationwide holiday, employers should abide by the Holiday pay rules.

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