Independence Day in Peru in 2025

  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day is in 122 days
  Dates of Independence Day in Peru
2026 Jul 28, Jul 29
2025 Jul 28, Jul 29
2024 Jul 28, Jul 29
2023 Jul 28, Jul 29
2022 Jul 28, Jul 29

Marks the declaration of independence from Spain in 1821

  Local name
Fiestas Patrias

When is Independence Day in Peru?

Known as 'Fiestas Patrias', this holiday is always celebrated on July 28th and marks Peru's declaration of independence from Spain in 1821.

The holiday lasts for two days. If July 28th falls on a Tuesday, then the Monday may be given as a bridge holiday.

History of Independence Day in Peru

Peru was first colonised by the Spanish in the 15th century. Despite the wars of independence being fought across Latin America in the early 19th century, Peru remained loyal to the Spanish crown. There had been some insurrection but this had been quashed by the government.

The Viceroy of Peru then initiated a military campaign against Chile and their fight for independence. Despite some early success, the tide turned against the Viceroy and the Royalist forces. Argentina and Chile then signed a treaty to peruse the 'liberation' of Peru. On entering Lima, the Argentinian commander, Jose San Martin declared the independence of Peru on July 28th 1821.

However, it wasn't until 1824, following the decisive victory came at the Battle of Ayacucho, under the leadership of Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin, that independence was achieved.

How is Independence Day in Peru celebrated?

Celebrations usually begin on the evening of July 27th with folk music played across parks and plazas in Peru.

On July 28th, the statewide commemoration begins with a 21-cannon saluteand flag-raising ceremony in Lima, followed by a Te Deum service led by the archbishop of the capital city and attended by the President of the Republic.

Arrive early in Miraflores, Lima’s downtown, to secure a seat for the Gran Corso, a massive parade featuring hundreds of people costumed in bright costumes and backed by energetic drum lines. Bring some Peruvian snacks because the march will continue for several hours.

The second day of the holiday focuses on celebrating the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru and is marked by a large military parade,

In the south of Peru, festivities begin on St. James' Day, July 25th.

Did you know?

Three facts about Independence Day

Cotahuasi Canyon in Peru is the deepest canyon in the world. The Cotahuasi Canyon has a depth of 3,232 metres - to put that in perspective, that’s twice the depth of the United States’ Grand Canyon.

Peruvian Coati Dung Coffee is the most expensive in the world.

Although Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador speak Quechua, Peru has more Quecha speakers than any other country. The words “llama”, “jerky”, and “quinoa” originate from Quechua.

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