Battle of Arica and Flag Day in Peru in 2025

Battle of Arica and Flag Day in Peru in 2025
  How long until Battle of Arica and Flag Day?
Battle of Arica and Flag Day is in 71 days
  Dates of Battle of Arica and Flag Day in Peru
2026 Peru Sun, Jun 7 National Holiday
2025 Peru Sat, Jun 7 National Holiday
2024 Peru Fri, Jun 7 National Holiday

At Battle of Arica in 1880, Alfonso Ugarte gave his life to protect the national flag.

In June 2023, the Congress of the Republic promulgated Law 31788 which declares a national holiday on June 7th in commemoration of the battle of Arica and Flag Day.

To this end, it modifies Article 6 of Legislative Decree 713, which consolidates the legislation on paid holidays for workers subject to the labour regime of the private sector. 

History of Battle of Arica and Flag Day

The Battle of Arica took place on June 7th 1880. This was one of the most significant encounters of the War of the Pacific involving Peruvian soldiers and the powerful fully-equipped Chilean adversary. The former Peruvian city of Arica is still a part of Chile and serves as a permanent reminder of Peru’s defeat in both the Battle of Tacna and Arica and the Pacific War.

Overwhelmed and outgunned, The Chileans asked Colonel Bolognesi to surrender.

After consulting his officers on his decision, Bolognesi finally responded: "Tell your general that I am proud of my officers and am determined to fire until the last cartridge in Arica's defense, for it must not fall on your hands!" The phrase "until the last cartridge has been fired" (hasta quemar el último cartucho), which has now become part of the Spanish language, is also the official motto of the Peruvian Army. 

Alfonso Ugarte, head of the Eighth Division, saw his army cornered by his Chilean counterpart and, in order to prevent the national flag from being captured, he launched himself from the Rock of Arica.

Ugarte is today considered a Peruvian national hero and his sacrifice in Arica together with Colonel Bolognesi and the rest of the garrison is remembered in Peru's Day of the Flag. 

June 7 was designated as Dia de la Bandera, a day to celebrate the Peruvian flag and to recognize the bravery and courage of the heroic officers and soldiers who defended their country against an overwhelming adversary.

Flag Day was created on April 30th 1924, by means of a supreme decree promulgated by the then president Augusto Leguía.

Payment Rule

If a worker has to work on this date, they will receive the remuneration for the day worked with a surcharge of 100%, that is, two additional days of remuneration at the end of the month, unless the employer grants them one day of rest paid in compensation.

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