National Remembrance Day in Papua New Guinea in 2026

National Remembrance Day in Papua New Guinea in 2026
Michael Somare, four-time Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. Image via Pixabay
  How long until National Remembrance Day?
National Remembrance Day is in 334 days
  Dates of National Remembrance Day in Papua New Guinea
2026 Papua New Guinea Thu, Feb 26 National Holiday
2025 Papua New Guinea Wed, Feb 26 National Holiday
2024 Papua New Guinea Mon, Feb 26 National Holiday
2023 Feb 24, Feb 26
2022 Feb 26, Feb 28

Commemorates the life of Papua New Guinea’s longest-serving leader, who died in 2021.

When is National Remembrance Day In Memory of Late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare?

National Remembrance Day is a public holiday on February 26th. The general population has a day off, and schools and most businesses are closed.

Note that any business may open, operate or trade but normal penalty rates apply for employees who are required to work that day.

About Michael Somare

Known across the country simply as "The Chief", Michael Somare was Papua New Guinea’s longest-serving leader after it became independent of Australia in 1975. He was Prime Minister for 17 years during four separate periods.

He died February 26th 2021, aged 84, after being diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer and admitted to a hospital on February 19th, his daughter Betha Somare said.

“Sir Michael was a loyal husband to our mother and great father first to her children, then grandchildren and great-granddaughter. But we are endeared that many Papua New Guineans equally embraced Sir Michael as father and grandfather,” she said.

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