Pakistan Day in Pakistan in 2026

Pakistan Day in Pakistan in 2026
Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan
  How long until Pakistan Day?
Pakistan Day is in 361 days
  Dates of Pakistan Day in Pakistan
2026 Pakistan Mon, Mar 23 National Holiday
2025 Pakistan Sun, Mar 23 National Holiday
2024 Pakistan Sat, Mar 23 National Holiday
2023 Pakistan Thu, Mar 23 National Holiday
2022 Pakistan Wed, Mar 23 National Holiday

Commemorates the Lahore Resolution of 1940, also known as the 'Pakistan Resolution'

When is Pakistan Day?

Pakistan Day is a public holiday celebrated annually on March 23rd in Pakistan.

Pakistan Resolution Day commemorates the 'Lahore Resolution' of 1940, also known as the 'Pakistan Resolution' that eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.

The day is observed as a public holiday in all federal and provincial government offices, banks and private sectors.

History of Pakistan Day

On March 23rd 1940, the Lahore Resolution was passed which rejected the concept of a United India and proposed the creation of an independent state for Muslims, even though it did not actually mention Pakistan at all.

The resolution paved the way for the creation of Pakistan on August 14th 1947, when Pakistan became the world's first Islamic republic. August 14th is celebrated as a holiday - Independence Day.

To mark the resolution, the Minar-e-Pakistan (pictured above) was constructed during the 1960s on the site in Iqbal Park where the All-India Muslim League passed the Lahore Resolution

How is Pakistan Day celebrated?

The holiday is celebrated with early morning military and civilian parades in Islamabad with gun salutes in Islamabad and provincial capitals.

The national flag is flown from all government buildings and departments. Several buildings, including the Lahore Railway Station, WAPDA House, and the Provincial Assembly building, are decorated with lights and colourful bunting to mark the national day.

During the day, the President confers national awards and medals Presidency. Wreaths are also laid at the mausoleums of Muhammad Iqbal in Lahore and Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Karachi.

The Pakistan Armed Forces usually hold a military parade to celebrate the day. Contingents of the Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force participate in the parade. It is overseen by the President of Pakistan as well as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. 

The Pakistan Day Parade is also known as the National Day Joint Services Parade is a reflection of the urge for peace while displaying military might. From a display of the military might, the armed forces parade has turned out to be an event that unites the nation. The parade reflects the nation’s determination on one hand while on the other it gives a message of unity and cohesion. Thousands of soldiers march in synchronized steps to give a message of discipline, unity and pride.

Government offices, banks, post offices, educational institutions and businesses will be closed

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