Orthodox Pentecost Sunday around the world in 2025

Orthodox Pentecost Sunday around the world in 2025
  How long until Orthodox Pentecost Sunday?
Orthodox Pentecost Sunday
  Dates of Orthodox Pentecost Sunday around the world
2026 Various May 31
GreeceSun, May 31Not A Public Holiday
RomaniaSun, May 31National Holiday
2025 Various Jun 8
GreeceSun, Jun 8Not A Public Holiday
RomaniaSun, Jun 8National Holiday
2024 Various Jun 23
GreeceSun, Jun 23Not A Public Holiday
RomaniaSun, Jun 23National Holiday
2023 Various Jun 4
GreeceSun, Jun 4Not A Public Holiday
RomaniaSun, Jun 4National Holiday
2022 Various Jun 12
GreeceSun, Jun 12Not A Public Holiday
RomaniaSun, Jun 12National Holiday

Orthodox Pentecost Sunday, also known as Holy Spirit Sunday, is observed fifty days after Orthodox Easter.

  Which countries observe Orthodox Pentecost Sunday in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday

When is Orthodox Pentecost Sunday?

Orthodox Pentecost Sunday, also known as Holy Spirit Sunday, is observed seven weeks after Orthodox Easter. The word Pentecost comes from the Greek word ‘pentekostos’ which means the fiftieth day.

The date in the Orthodox church will differ from the Western church due to the different methods of calculating the date of Easter.

Orthodox Pentecost Sunday is also known as 'Kneeling Sunday', as it is tradition not to kneel during prayers in the church from Easter Sunday until Pentecost Sunday.

History of Orthodox Pentecost Sunday

It marks the end of the Easter cycle, that began 92 days before with Orthodox Shrove Monday.

Pentecost Sunday commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames to the Apostles, as recorded in the New Testament in Acts, 2.

The Holy Spirit allowed the apostles to speak in other languages, and they started preaching the word of Jesus to the Jews who come to Jerusalem for the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). Many Christians recognise this event as the birth of the Church.

The following day, Pentecost Monday, is celebrated as a holiday in some East European counties.

In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Pentecost can refer to the entire period of the fifty days of Easter through to Pentecost.

In Greece, festivities for Pentecost begin on the Friday or Saturday before the day itself. The Sunday is also known as Trinity Sunday. Public celebrations, which tend to be local and church related – local fairs, for example, are held on the Saturday.  The largest churches in cities, villages and islands hold services and the town centres have the biggest and most colourful festivals.

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