Sultan's Birthday in Oman in 2025

Sultan's Birthday in Oman in 2025
The late Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said.
  How long until Sultan's Birthday?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Sultan's Birthday in Oman
2019 Oman Thu, Nov 28 National Holiday
2018 Oman Mon, Nov 19 National Holiday
2017 Oman Sun, Nov 19 National Holiday
2016 Oman Sat, Nov 19 National Holiday
2015 Oman Thu, Nov 19 National Holiday

The Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said, was born in 1940 and ruled Oman from 1970 until 2020..

When is the Sultan's Birthday?

Oman's Sultan's Birthday is celebrated on November 19th. This date celebrates the birthday of the late Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said.

The Sultan passed away at the age of 79 on January 10th 2020.

This holiday was the second day of a two day holiday period as November 18th is also a public holiday to mark Oman's independence from Portugal in 1650.

According to Royal Decree No. 27/2006, the actual dates of the holidays for the National Day and the Sultan's Birthday may be modified to suit the public interest. In recent years, the dates have been moved to the end of November.

History of the Sultan's Birthday

Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said was born in Dhofar on November 18th 1940. His family, the Al said dynasty has ruled Oman since 1749.

He came to power in Oman on July 23rd 1970, after overthrowing his father, Said bin Taimur, in a palace coup.

His father's policies had been seen as corrupt and holding back Oman's economic development. Sultan Qaboos worked to modernise Oman, using oil revenue to improve infrastructure and build schools, hospitals and roads.

Though the Sultan ruled as an absolute monarch, Sultan Qaboos implemented some notable changes such as granting women the right to vote and stand for public office and introducing a written constitution.

Did you know?

The Sultan changed the name of the country in 1971 from Muscat and Oman to the Sultanate of Oman.

As the second day of the National Day festivities, the Sultan's Birthday is marked by many patriotic events across the country. The image of the Sultan will be a common sight in towns and villages.

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