National Day in Oman in 2025

National Day in Oman in 2025
  How long until National Day?
National Day is in 236 days
  Dates of National Day in Oman
2026 Nov 18, Nov 19
2025 Nov 19, Nov 20
2024 Nov 20, Nov 21
2023 Nov 22, Nov 23
2022 Nov 30, Dec 1

Marks Oman's independence from Portugal in 1650, making it the oldest independent state in the Arab world.

When is Oman National Day?

Oman's National Day is November 18th. This date celebrates independence from Portuguese control in 1650. This holiday is the start of a two-day break, as November 19th is also a public holiday to mark the birthday of the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said.

If either of these days falls on a weekend, a substitute day may be observed.

According to Royal Decree No. 27/2006, the actual dates of the holidays for the National Day may be modified to suit the public interest and in recent years both public holidays have been delayed until the end of November.

History of Oman National Day

Soon after Vasco da Gama's voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to India, the Portuguese arrived in Oman, occupying the region from 1507. The Portuguese fortified Muscat as used the town as a port from which to protect their trade routes to India.

Unhappy with how they felt the Portuguese were exploiting their presence in Oman, the powerful Al-Ya’ribi clan agreed to a treaty with the British East India Company to allow the British to have rights in their ports. This weakened Portuguese control in Oman, and on November 18th 1650, Imam Sultan Bin Saif led a rebellion that expelled the Portuguese from Oman and its ports.

Did you know?

The independence from Portugal in 1650 means that Oman is the oldest independent state in the Arab world.

To mark the day, students sing the national anthem of Oman, known as-Salâm as-Solṭâni.

National Day events include parades, fireworks, camel races, an equestrian show, a marine festival and once every five years, a military show. The two-day holiday means that many Omanis will take the opportunity to return to their home villages which means that traffic levels on these days may be much heavier than usual.

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