Full Moon Day of Tabaung in Myanmar in 2026

Full Moon Day of Tabaung in Myanmar in 2026
The Shwedagon Pagoda is a gilded stupa located in Yangon, Myanmar. Image via Deposit Photos
  How long until Full Moon Day of Tabaung?
Full Moon Day of Tabaung is in 339 days
  Dates of Full Moon Day of Tabaung in Myanmar
2026 Myanmar Mon, Mar 2 National Holiday
2025 Mar 12, Mar 13, Mar 14
2024 Myanmar Sun, Mar 24 National Holiday
2023 Myanmar Sun, Mar 5 National Holiday
2022 Myanmar Wed, Mar 16 National Holiday

Seven months after Buddha began his teachings, 1,250 monks gathered to hear Buddha preach

  Local name
Magja Puja
  Full Moon Day of Tabaung in other countries
Full Moon Day of Tabaung internationally
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Full Moon Day of Tabaung in Myanmar

In Myanmar, Maka Bucha is known as the Full Moon Day of Tabaung. Tabaung is the last month of the year in the Burmese calendar. 

When is Maka Bucha?

Maka Bucha is a public holiday in several Mekong region countries such as Cambodia and Thailand. This festival is the second most important Buddhist festival. As with most Buddhist festivals, its date depends on the Lunar cycle. The holiday may also be known as Magha Puja or Lord Buddha Day.

On this day, the full moon of the third lunar month (called Tabodwe); seven months after Buddha began his teachings, over a thousand monks gathered to hear Buddha preach.

Buddha ordained these monks and spread the principles of Buddhism. This marked a key event in the development of the religion.

45 years later, on the same full moon in the third lunar month, Buddha again delivered his teachings shortly before his death.

This third lunar month on which both events occurred is known in Buddhist Pali language as 'Makha'. 'Bucha', means to honour.

How is Maka Bucha Day celebrated?

In the morning many Thai people wake up early to give alms to monks. In the evening, temples are full of people listening to sermons. They often perform a ritual known as the candle ceremony where they walk clockwise three times around the temple. holding flowers, incense, and a lighted candle. Each of the three circuits represents one of the three jewels (ideas at the heart of Buddhism) - Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

Traditions of the Full Moon Day of Tabaung

The Full Moon Day of Tabaung, also called the "Magja Puja", is marked by pagoda festivals, with the largest taking place at the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangdon. According to tradition, it was on the full moon day of Tabaung when the King of Ukkalapa completed the construction of the Shwedagon Pagoda and enshrined the sacred hair relics of the Buddha in it. During this event, ceremonial offerings are made to 28 different statutes of Buddha. Then, there is 10-day non-stop recital of Buddhist scriptures. 

AcrossMyanmar, Buddhist devotees will flock to the temples to earn merit. 

For the Pa-O people of Myanmar, the full moon of Tabaung is the traditional birthday of  King Suriyachanda. The Pa-O are the seventh largest ethnic group in Myanmar with an estimated population of seven million. It is during this day that Pa-O people celebrate their national day. 

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