Heroes' Day in Mozambique in 2026

Heroes' Day in Mozambique in 2026
Eduardo Mondlane on a banknote from Mozambique.
  How long until Heroes' Day?
Heroes' Day is in 314 days
  Dates of Heroes' Day in Mozambique
2026 Mozambique Tue, Feb 3 National Holiday
2025 Mozambique Mon, Feb 3 National Holiday
2024 Mozambique Sat, Feb 3 National Holiday
2023 Mozambique Fri, Feb 3 National Holiday
2022 Mozambique Thu, Feb 3 National Holiday

Commemorates those who lost their lives in the Portuguese Colonial War

  Local name
Dia dos Heróis Moçambicanos

When is Heroes Day?

Heroes Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Mozambique on February 3rd each year.

This is a day to remember all those who gave their lives in the struggle for freedom from colonial occupation.

History of Heroes Day

Europeans first visited Mozambique during the voyages of the Portuguese explorer, Vasco Da Gama at the end of the fifteenth century. By 1530, Portugal had established a strong presence in the region effectively controlling the area.

In September 1964, growing unrest amongst many Mozambicans together with similar movements in other Portuguese territories led to the start of an armed guerrilla campaign against the Portuguese. 

The anticolonial struggle was led by Eduardo Mondlane of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo). 

Frelimo launched a guerrilla war against targets in northern Mozambique, claiming to have established its own administrative, educational, and economic networks in the northern districts. 

On February 3rd 1969, a bomb was planted in a book sent to Mondlane at the FRELIMO Headquarters in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. When he opened the package, it exploded and killed him. Although nobody was ever charged with the killing, most historians believe that it was the work of the Portuguese government rather than political in-fighting within Frelimo.

It is estimated that up to 10,000 Mozambiquans died in the conflict that lasted almost ten years, before a ceasefire with Portugal in 1974. Mozambique gained its independence the following year.

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