Qaumee Dhuvas in Maldives in 2025

Qaumee Dhuvas in Maldives in 2025
  How long until Qaumee Dhuvas?
Qaumee Dhuvas is in 171 days
  Dates of Qaumee Dhuvas in Maldives
2026 Maldives Mon, Aug 24 National Holiday
2025 Maldives Sun, Aug 24 National Holiday
2024 Sep 4, Sep 5
2023 Maldives Sat, Sep 16 National Holiday
2022 Maldives Tue, Sep 27 National Holiday

Celebrates the victory of Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam over the Portuguese occupation in 1573

When is Qaumee Dhuvas in the Maldives?

Qaumee Dhuvas (meaning 'National Day' in Dhivehi, the local language) in the Maldives is a public holiday and the National Day of the Maldives.

The date of this holiday is set under the Islamic calendar, and falls on the 1st of Rabee ul Awwal, the third month of the Hijri (Islamic) calendar.

History of Qaumee Dhuvas in the Maldives

Maldives national day celebrates the victory of Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam over the Portuguese occupation in 1573.

In 1558, the Portuguese established a garrison which they administered from Goa. They killed the Sultan Ali VI of the Maldives and effectively instigated colonial rule.

Did you know?

The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia and also the smallest Muslim country in the world.

In 1573, Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam along with his two brothers and companions led a local revolt when the Portuguese attempted to impose Christianity on the Muslim population. The attacks drove the Portuguese out of Maldives and ended fifteen years of colonial rule.

Muhammad Thakurufaanu ruled as Sultan until his death from natural causes on 26 August 1585. He is revered as the national hero of the Maldives and 1st of Rabee ul Awwal each Islamic year is marked as the National Day of the Maldives.

The highlights of Qaumee Dhuvas include parades and route marches on the streets of Malé, and on many of the islands.

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