Maldives Voting Admin in Maldives in 2025

Maldives Voting Admin in Maldives in 2025
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  Dates of Maldives Voting Admin in Maldives
2023 Sep 10, Sep 11, Oct 1, Oct 2
MaldivesMon, Oct 2Government Holiday
MaldivesSun, Oct 1Government Holiday
MaldivesMon, Sep 11Government Holiday
MaldivesSun, Sep 10Government Holiday

A government holiday to permit officials to participate in the admin following the elections.

Monday October 2nd 2023

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has declared Monday, October 2, 2023, a government holiday.

This was revealed through an official statement issued by the President's Office, on Sunday.

The declaration comes in response to the second round of voting in the 2023 Presidential Elections on Saturday, September 30, 2023. The President's decision acknowledges that tasks associated with the voting process are still underway.

Officials from government offices and institutions, as well as members of the public currently engaged with assignments and tasks pertinent to the election and voting process, prompted the decision. The President made t he move in response to a request by the Elections Commission of the Maldives.

Sunday October 1st 2023

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has declared Sunday, October 1st 2023 as a public holiday in connection with the second round of the presidential election to be held on Saturday, September 30th.

A press release issued by the President's Office said that the decision to close government offices was made in response to a request from the Elections Commission (EC). This decision was made because Saturday is the voting day for the second round of the 2023 Presidential Elections.

Government officials, representatives from various institutions, and members of the general public are expected to be involved in tasks related to the election and the voting process. Therefore, the government remains closed the day after the two elections to provide relief to these individuals involved in election-related work tasks.

Following the first round of the presidential election held on September 9, the government was closed for two days.

Monday September 11th 2023

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has declared Monday, September 11th 2023, as a public holiday.

According to the official statement issued by the President’s Office, this decision was made in connection to the Presidential Elections 2023, held on September 9th.

In the statement, the President noted that tasks pertaining to the electoral process were still ongoing, and that numerous officials from government offices and institutions as well as members of the public were involved.

Furthermore, he noted that the decision to make Monday a government holiday was in line with the request from the Elections Commission (EC). 

It is the norm to declare days adjacent to the voting day as holiday in order to conclude different works related to the election.  

Sunday September 10th 2023

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih declared Sunday, September 10th 2023, a government holiday.

The announcement was made through an official statement issued by the President's Office on Sunday.

The president made the decision considering that voting in the presidential election will take place on Saturday September 9th.

"Officials from government offices and institutions and members of the general public are anticipated to be engaged with assignments and tasks related to the election and voting process," a statement issued by the President's Office read.

"The president made the decision in response to a request submitted by the Elections Commission."

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