Republic Day in Maldives in 2025

Republic Day in Maldives in 2025
  How long until Republic Day?
Republic Day is in 227 days
  Dates of Republic Day in Maldives
2026 Maldives Wed, Nov 11 National Holiday
2025 Maldives Tue, Nov 11 National Holiday
2024 Nov 10, Nov 11
2023 Maldives Sat, Nov 11 National Holiday
2022 Maldives Fri, Nov 11 National Holiday

Celebrates the Maldives changing from a monarchy to a republic in 1968

When is Republic Day in the Maldives?

Republic Day is a public holiday in the Maldives on November 11th.

This holiday celebrates the Maldives changing from a monarchy to a republic on this day in 1968.

History of Republic Day in the Maldives

On December 16th 1887, the Maldives became a protectorate of the British Empire. The Sultan of the Maldives agreed to give up the islands' sovereignty in matters of foreign policy. In return, the British would provide military protection and not interfere in the internal affairs of the islands, though they still needed to be consulted on key changes such as the appointment of a new Sultan.

Following the death of Sultan Majeed Didi and his son Prince Hassan Fareed Didi, the Maldives briefly became a republic on January 1st 1953, when the selected sultanate refused to take the crown and a referendum was held, and the first republic proclaimed, ending 812 years of the sultanate. The monarchy was restored in March 1954.

Independence came to the Maldives in July 1965 when an agreement was signed by the Maldives' Prime Minister and the British Ambassador which ended the British responsibility for the defence and external affairs of the Maldives.

Did you know?

Until 1972, the national anthem of the Maldives was sung to the tune of ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

In November 1967, the Maldives parliament voted in favour of changing from a constitutional monarchy to a republic. A referendum took place on March 15th 1968, when over 80% of the voters chose to establish a republic. The second republic of the Maldives was proclaimed on November 11th 1968.

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