Gospel Day in Kiribati in 2025

Gospel Day in Kiribati in 2025
  How long until Gospel Day?
Gospel Day
  Dates of Gospel Day in Kiribati
2026 Kiribati Fri, Jul 10 Public Holiday
2025 Kiribati Thu, Jul 10 Public Holiday
2024 Kiribati Wed, Jul 10 Public Holiday
2023 Kiribati Mon, Jul 10 Public Holiday
2022 Kiribati Fri, Jul 8 Public Holiday

A multi-denominational Christian holiday involving combined church services

About Gospel Day

This public holiday in Kiribati is usually the first day of a three-day break centred around the National Day celebrations on July 12th each year.

Generally, Gospel Day falls on July 10th, but it may be shifted around depending on what days of the week the three days of holidays cover. These dates are not usually updated until close to the start of the year, so check back here for the latest dates.

The main religion in Kiribati is Christianity. It was brought to the islands by missionaries in the 19th century. Today, Roman Catholics and Protestants account for the large majority of followers.

This holiday was established to create a day for Kiribatians of all faiths to join in combined services to give thanks and strengthen the sense of shared community between the different branches of Christianity in the country.

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