Janaki Nawami around the world in 2025

Janaki Nawami around the world in 2025
Ram and Sita Statue, Dhar, India. Image by Suyash Dwivedi
  How long until Janaki Nawami?
Janaki Nawami is in 51 days
  Dates of Janaki Nawami around the world
2025 IndiaMay 6
2024 IndiaMay 17
2021 IndiaMay 20
2019 Various May 13
2018 IndiaApr 24

Janaki Nawami is celebrated every year on the ninth day of the waxing moon in the month of Baishakh according to the lunar calendar.

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Janaki Nawami is celebrated every year on the ninth day of the waxing moon in the month of Baishakh according to the lunar calendar. According to the Hindu calendar, Janaki Nawami is celebrated exactly one month after Ram Navami.

Janaki Navami is also known as Sita Jayanti and is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Goddess Sita. Sita Mata is also known as Siya, Janaki, Maithili, Vaidehi, or Bhoomija. She is the central character in the Hindu epic Ramayana.

In the Hindu Religion, Goddess Sita is an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi who is the consort of Lord Vishnu and the Deity of wealth, prosperity and all luxuries. Sita Mata is considered to be the mother of all mortals and other living creatures. She is an embodiment of love, sacrifice, devotion, and purity.

She is also recognised for her patience and devotion towards her husband, Lord Shri Rama.

On this day, married women observe fast and pray to the Goddess for the long life of their husbands.

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