Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari in Iran in 2025

Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari in Iran in 2025
  How long until Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari?
Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari is in 158 days
  Dates of Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari in Iran
2026 Iran Sat, Aug 22 National Holiday
2025 Iran Mon, Sep 1 National Holiday
2024 Iran Thu, Sep 12 National Holiday
2023 Iran Sun, Sep 24 National Holiday
2022 Iran Wed, Oct 5 National Holiday

Imam Hassan Asgari was the 11th Imam of Twelver Shia Islam and was poisoned in 874 AD.

When is the Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari?

The Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari is a public holiday observed in Iran on the 8th day of  Rabi al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar.

As the Islamic calendar is about 11 days shorter than the western calendar, please see our table to see what date it falls on.

This holiday commemorates Imam Hassan Asgari, the 11th Imam of Twelver Shia Islam, who was poisoned in 874 AD.

Traditions and History of the Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari

Hassan Agari was born in Medina on 8th of Rabi-ul-Akhar 232 AH His father was Ali Naqi, the 10th Shia Imam. Imam Ali Naqi lived under house arrest in a Samarra, a garrison town about 60 miles north of Baghdad. Hassan’s title became known as Asgari, meaning "the one who lived all his life in a garrison town."

Even from an early age, Asgari was known for his divine knowledge and he became the 11th Shia Imam on the death of his father in 254 AH at the age of 22.

Becoming the 11th Imam was a big deal. In both the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam, it is believed that the 12th Imam would be the final Imam who would be the 'Mahdi' or 'Guide' for humanity until the Day of Judgement.

According to Shia tradition, Askari died aged 28 on 8th Rabi' al-Awwal 260 AH (January 4th 874 AD) after being poisoned on the orders of the Abbasid caliph Al-Mu'tamid and was buried in Samarra, a town some 60 miles north of Baghdad.

In Shia tradition, Asgari did give birth to a son, Muhammad. who would be destined to be the final Imam, but Asgari kept Muhammad's existence a secret in fear of Al-Mu'tamid finding out and wanting to kill his son.

Aged five, Muhammad al-Mahdi, disappeared on the same day that his father died.

Shias believe that Imam Mahdi will reappear alongside Jesus to be the saviours of the planet in the final judgement days. Sunni Muslims didn't follow the Shia Imam lineage and most believe that the Mahdi has been born yet.

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