Vaisakhi in India in 2025

Vaisakhi in India in 2025
  How long until Vaisakhi?
Vaisakhi is in 17 days
  Dates of Vaisakhi in India
2026 Apr 14
2025 Apr 13
2024 Apr 13
2023 Apr 14
2022 Apr 14

The beginning of the harvest season and birth of the Khalsa ☬

  Which regions observe Vaisakhi in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday

When is Vaisakhi?

This regional Indian holiday is celebrated on 13 or 14 April each year.

Also spelled Baisakhi, the holiday is one of the most important festivals for Sikhs and is marked by the millions of Sikhs in India and around the world.

Traditions of Vaisakhi

Vaisakhi is an ancient spring harvest festival that has been observed in the Punjab region for many centuries.

It became closely associated with Sikhism at the end of the 17th century, when Guru Gobind Singh, leader of the Sikhs, chose the date of the festival to create the highest order that can reached by Sikhs, known as the Khalsa Panth.

In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh summoned Sikhs from across India to the city of Anandpur Sahib, Punjab. There, in front of the massed crowds, he adorned five Sikhs with the distinguishing Khalsa identity of a Saint Soldier.

How is Vaisakhi Celebrated?

Many Sikhs mark the events that took place on Vaisakhi by making pilgrimages to holy sites. In some countries large public processions known as Nagar Kirtans take place. Cities across the world that have significant Sikh populations like London, Leicester and Vancouver will also hold public celebrations.

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