Sikkim State Day in Sikkim in 2025

Sikkim State Day in Sikkim in 2025
  How long until Sikkim State Day?
Sikkim State Day is in 71 days
  Dates of Sikkim State Day in Sikkim
2026 Sat, May 16Regional Holiday
2025 Fri, May 16Regional Holiday
2024 Thu, May 16Regional Holiday
2023 Tue, May 16Regional Holiday
2022 Mon, May 16Regional Holiday

The Northeast Indian state of Sikkim joined the Indian union on May 16th 1975

When is Sikkim State Day?

This state holiday in Northeast India is observed on May 16th. It marks the day in 1975 when Sikkim became the 22nd state of India.

History of Sikkim State Day

The Kingdom of Sikkim dates back to the 17th century when it was founded by the Namgyal dynasty. It was ruled by a monarchy of Buddhist priest-kings known as Chogyal. Sikkim became a principality within British India in 1890.

After India and Pakistan's independence in 1947, Sikkim continued to have protectorate status within the Republic of India.

In 1975, growing unrest against the rule of the Chogyal, including a direct appeal from the Sikkim Prime Minister for Indian help, led to the Indian military deposing the Chogyal and abolishing the Sikkimese monarchy. A referendum was then held in which 97.5% of voters supported the abolition of the monarchy and led to Sikkim joining India as its 22nd state.

Nestled within the Himalayas, Sikkim is the least populous and second smallest of all Indian states. The peak of India's largest mountain, Kangchenjunga - the world's third-highest peak - lies within Sikkim.

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