Sakewa in Sikkim in 2025

Sakewa in Sikkim in 2025
  How long until Sakewa?
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  Dates of Sakewa in Sikkim
2023 Tue, Dec 26Regional Holiday
2021 Fri, Dec 24Regional Holiday
2020 Thu, Dec 31Regional Holiday

An important festival for the Kirat Khambu Rai community in Sikkim.

When is Sakewa?

Sakewa is a regional public holiday in the Indian state of Sikkim. The nine-day long ceremony starts on the full moon day of Baisak, which means it usually falls in December in the western calendar.

About Sakewa

Sakewa is one of the most significant cultural and religious festivals for the Kirat Khambu Rai community in Sikkim. The Sakewa Puja is usually performed by the Nakchhong (priest) with the help of mongpas in an open place as a community puja.

Celebrated as a homage to Mother Earth, it commences by performing Bhumi Puja followed by community dances and other rituals. Entire state comes alive during the colourful festivities of Sakewa with sounds of drums and cymbals reverberating in the air, and people all around the corners soaking themselves in the aura of merrymaking and celebrations.

The Kirat Rai people are believed to be some of the most ancient people of Himalayas. They are said to be nature worshippers and this tradition offers reverence to nature gods, praying for the well-being of all living creatures around the world, has been existing since ancient times.

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