Ayyankali Jayanthi in Kerala in 2025

Ayyankali Jayanthi in Kerala in 2025
  How long until Ayyankali Jayanthi?
Ayyankali Jayanthi
  Dates of Ayyankali Jayanthi in Kerala
2026 Fri, Aug 28Regional Holiday
2025 Thu, Aug 28Regional Holiday
2024 Wed, Aug 28Regional Holiday
2023 Mon, Aug 28Regional Holiday
2022 Sun, Aug 28Regional Holiday

Ayyankali Jayanthi commemorates the birthday of Ayyankali, an important social reformer in Travancore, British India

When is Ayyankali Jayanthi?

Ayyankali Jayanthi is a regional Indian public holiday observed in Kerala on August 28th.

The day commemorates the birth of a notable social reformer in Kerala who was born on this day in 1863.

History of Ayyankali Jayanthi

AyyanKali was born on August 28th 1963 in a small village in the princely state of Travancore, now in the south of the modern-day state of Kerala. He was born into the Pulayar, the lowest social class in the caste system.

Growing up illiterate and seeing that many Pulayars were effectively rural slaves, he resolved to do what he could to remove limitations of the caste system. Ayyankali became a noted protestor for Pulayar rights gaining rights for the community by highlighting the injustices of the caste system.

Ayyankali sought to improve access to education, and as a result of the protests led by Ayyankali, in 1907 a decree was issued to admit students from the untouchable community to government schools. When a school was burned down because a Puluyar girl had tried to enrol, Ayyankali organised a strike by the agricultural workers in the region.

As well as addressing the lower levels of education level, he pushed for jobs for Dalits in government departments such as public works, police and excise. His aim was to provide better living amenities and dignity to the Dalits. Ayyankali worked tirelessly to make the Dalits a part of modern and civilized society.

For his work as a social reformer, Ayyankali has become a symbol of the dignity of the Dalits of Kerala. Dalits, also known as "Untouchables", are members of the lowest social group in the Hindu caste system.

Ayankali died on June 18th 1941.

On Ayyankali Jyanati, officials and members of his family gather to pay their respects at his statue in White Temple Square, Thiruvananthapuram.

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