Kartar Singh Sarabha Martyrdom Day in India in 2025

Kartar Singh Sarabha Martyrdom Day in India in 2025
  How long until Kartar Singh Sarabha Martyrdom Day?
Kartar Singh Sarabha Martyrdom Day is in 248 days
  Dates of Kartar Singh Sarabha Martyrdom Day in India
2026 Punjab Mon, Nov 16 Regional Holiday
2025 Punjab Sun, Nov 16 Regional Holiday
2024 Punjab Sat, Nov 16 Regional Holiday
2023 Punjab Thu, Nov 16 Regional Holiday
2015 Punjab Mon, Nov 16 Regional Holiday

Punjab only. Kartar Singh Sarabha was executed in Lahore Jail on November 16th 1915 at the age of 19

Who was Kartar Singh Sarabha?

Kartar Singh Sarabha was an Indian revolutionary and freedom fighter who was born on May 24th 1896, in a village called Sarabha in Punjab, India. He played a significant role in the Indian independence movement and was one of the youngest revolutionaries of his time.

Kartar Singh Sarabha was deeply influenced by the ideas of socialism and revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad. He joined the Ghadar Party, a revolutionary organization founded by Punjabi Indians in the United States in 1913, which aimed to overthrow British rule in India.

He returned to India in 1914 and continued his revolutionary activities, including the planning of an armed rebellion against British rule. He wrote and distributed revolutionary literature, organized secret meetings, and trained other revolutionaries.

In 1915, Kartar Singh Sarabha was arrested by the British authorities and sentenced to death. He was only 19 years old at the time of his execution on November 16th 1915, in Lahore Jail. He is remembered as a hero of the Indian independence movement and is an inspiration to many young Indians.

Since 2023, time the state government has also remembered six other associates of Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha, including Vishnu Ganesh Pingley (Maharashtra), Shaheed Jagat Singh (Tarn Taran), Shaheed Harnam Singh Sialkoti (Sialkot, now in Pakistan), Shaheed Bakshish Singh (Amritsar), Surain Singh Senior (Amritsar) and Surain Singh Junior (Amritsar) who were hanged along with him.

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