Janmostav of Srimatna Sankardev in Assam in 2025

Janmostav of Srimatna Sankardev in Assam in 2025
Image via PXhere
  How long until Janmostav of Srimatna Sankardev?
Janmostav of Srimatna Sankardev is in 210 days
  Dates of Janmostav of Srimatna Sankardev in Assam
2026 Wed, Oct 21Regional Holiday
2025 Thu, Oct 2Regional Holiday
2024 Sep 4, Oct 13
2023 Sun, Sep 24Regional Holiday
2022 Wed, Oct 5Regional Holiday

Birthday of Srimanta Sankardev, a 15th–16th century Assamese polymath

When is Janmostav of Srimanta Shankardev?

Janmostav of Srimanta Shankardev is a regional public holiday in the north-eastern Indian state of Assam in the month of Bhadra or Asvina. This means it falls in September or October in the western calendar.

This day is remembered as the birth anniversary of saint scholar Srimanta Sankardeva.

History of Janmostav of Srimanta Shankardev

Mahapurusha Srimanta Shankardeva was a 16th-century Assamese polymath and saint-scholar credited with uniting Assam and considered as the father of Assamese culture.

It is accepted that he was born on September 26th 1449.

The saint had an all-pervasive influence on Assamese culture, religion and society and he is widely credited with developing cultural relics and devising new forms of music (Borgeet), theatrical performance (Anika Naat, Bhaona), dance (Sattriya) and literary language (Brajavali). He left behind an extensive work of trans-created scriptures (Bhagavat of Sankardev), poetry and theological works written in Sanskrit, Assamese and Brajavali.

The Bhagavatic religious Ekasaranam Dharam or Neo-Vaishnavite movement launched by him influenced the two medieval kingdoms of Koch and Ahom while the assembly of devotees he initiated evolved into Sattras, which continue to be important socio-religious institutions in Assam.

Shankardev inspired Bhakti movement in Assam. His literary and artistic contributions are living traditions in Assam today. The religion he preached is practiced by a large population.

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