Idul Fitr around the world in 2025

Idul Fitr around the world in 2025
  How long until Idul Fitr?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Idul Fitr around the world
2017 IndiaJun 25, Jun 26, Jun 27
2016 IndiaJul 6, Jul 7, Jul 8
2015 IndiaJul 18

Marks the end of the fasting period of the Islamic month of Ramadan

In India, this festival is known as Idu’l Fitr and marks the end of the fasting period of the Islamic month of Ramadan.

It is a holiday in all states except Goa, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh.

The festival is a time for feasting, rejoicing and thankfulness.

The preparations for the festival start at the beginning of Ramadan.

When the day finally arrives and the period of fasting ends, children receive many gifts, there are fairs with street bazaars selling festive goods and traditional foods.

Many attend religious ceremonies and visit with friends and family.

This is one of the most anticipated holidays on the Muslim calendar.

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