Assumption Day in France in 2025

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Assumption Day
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2026 France Sat, Aug 15 Public Holiday
2025 France Fri, Aug 15 Public Holiday
2024 France Thu, Aug 15 Public Holiday
2023 France Tue, Aug 15 Public Holiday
2022 France Mon, Aug 15 Public Holiday

The Feast of the Assumption is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ

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Assumption Day in France

Assomption in France

In France, August is the traditional summer vacation month. The week of Assumption is a popular time for vacation with an estimated 40% of firms closing for at least some part of August, with around 60% of people going on holiday, according to the statistics body Observatoire des inégalités.

This means that while Assumption may be seen as not one of the bigger French holidays, it is probably one of the worst times to arrange meetings or business trips as most people will be on vacation anyway.

On Assumption Day, French Catholics attend mass, and special celebrations are held near the village of Lourdes. 

According to legend, in 1858, a young girl named Bernadette saw a glimpse of a lady in a cave near Lourdes, whom many believe to be Mary. Every year on Assumption Day, pilgrims flock to Lourdes, where many say to have been cured by the spring water from the cave where Mary is said to have appeared.

The origin of an Assumption Day holiday in France dates back to the reign of Louis XIII (1610 - 1643), son of Henri IV and Marie de Médicis. With his wife Anne of Austria having difficulty in producing an heir, the king began to pray to the Virgin Mary. Processions through the parishes were even organised on August 15th. Miraculously, in 1638, little Louis, who was to become Louis XIV, was born. Louis XIII decided that August 15th would be a Marian feast, in honour of the Virgin Mary.

August 15th was chosen as France's national holiday from 1806 to 1813.

When is the Assumption of Mary?

The holiday is celebrated annually on August 15th.

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a very important day in the Catholic religion - it is even called the 'Easter of the summer' in some parts of Europe.

Also known as the 'Dormition of the Virgin Mary', it is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ.

In countries such as Spain and Italy, it marks the start of the annual summer holidays, when many escape the heat of the cities to vacation on the coast or in the hills. Because of its date in the calendar, it is known as the "Feast of Our Lady of the Harvest" in some parts of Europe.

History of the Assumption of Mary

This feast commemorates two events - the departure of Mary from this life and the assumption of her body into heaven.

The Church's official doctrine of the Assumption says that at the end of her life on earth Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven.

The death or 'Dormition' of Mary is not recorded in the Christian canonical scriptures. Hippolytus of Thebes, a 7th- or 8th-century author, claims in his partially preserved chronology to the New Testament that Mary lived for 11 years after the death of Jesus.

The term Dormition expresses the belief that the Virgin died without suffering, in a state of spiritual peace. This belief does not rest on any scriptural basis but is affirmed by Orthodox Christian Holy Tradition. It is testified to in some old Apocryphal writings, but neither the Orthodox Church nor other Christians regard these as possessing scriptural authority.

Some mistakenly believe Mary "ascended" into heaven, which is incorrect according to the Bible. It was Jesus Christ who ascended into heaven, by his own power. But Mary was "assumed" or taken up into heaven by God.

Observed as a holy day of obligation by Catholics and as a public holiday in some countries, devotees consider the Feast of the Assumption as the Holy Mother’s "heavenly birthday" and this is not a day of mourning for her loss, but a celebration of joy for the union of the mother with her beloved son.

According to St. John of Damascus, the Roman Emperor Marcian requested the body of Mary, Mother of God at the Council of Chalcedon, in 451.

St. Juvenal, who was Bishop of Jerusalem told the emperor “that Mary died in the presence of all the Apostles, but that her tomb, when opened upon the request of St. Thomas, was found empty; the Apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven,” the saint recorded.

Pope Pius Xll, in 1950, defined that Mary "after the completion of her earthly life...was assumed body and soul into the glory of Heaven." Her body wasn't allowed to corrupt nor was it allowed to remain in a tomb. Though there are claims by some cities about possessing her temporary tomb.

In the early Christian centuries relics of saints and those who gave their lives for the faith were jealously guarded and highly prized. Many cities claim the mortal remains of saints, both famous and little-known. But there are no records of Mary's bodily remains being venerated anywhere.

As this is a religious holiday, the Assumption is most commonly celebrated by devotees by attending mass, where the subject of the sermon is usually the Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation, and Catholics are required to attend Mass.

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