Independence Restoration Day in Estonia in 2025

Independence Restoration Day in Estonia in 2025
  How long until Independence Restoration Day?
Independence Restoration Day is in 146 days
  Dates of Independence Restoration Day in Estonia
2026 Estonia Thu, Aug 20 National Holiday
2025 Estonia Wed, Aug 20 National Holiday
2024 Estonia Tue, Aug 20 National Holiday
2023 Estonia Sun, Aug 20 National Holiday
2022 Estonia Sat, Aug 20 National Holiday

In 1991 Estonia re-established independence after the end of the Soviet Union

  Local name

When is Restoration of Independence Day?

Known in Estonian as 'Tasiseseisvumispäev', this public holiday is always celebrated on August 20th.

Late on the night of August 20th 1991, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia voted in favour of a resolution restoring Estonian independence after more than 50 years of occupation. 

History of Restoration of Independence Day

Following the growth of a strong independence movement in the late 1980s, Estonia officially declared its independence from the former Soviet Republic on August 20th 1991.

On August 20th 1991, there was an attempted coup in Moscow by hard-line Communist Party members. Russian troops had arrived in Tallinn to support the coup but Estonian volunteers organised protection of the television broadcast tower, so that TV channels couldn't be taken over by the hardliners. Later that evening, the Estonian government proclaimed the restoration of Estonian independence.

By September 6th 1991, independence had been formally recognised by the former Soviet Union.

August 20 Club

At 11.03 pm on August 20th 1991, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia voted in favor of the Resolution on the National Independence of Estonia.

The 69 individuals who voted in favor of the resolution and now belong to the August 20 Club are Ülle Aaskivi, Mati Ahven, Andres Ammas, Tõnu Anton, Uno Anton, Lembit Arro, Hillar Eller, Kaljo Ellik, Ignar Fjuk, Illar Hallaste, Liia Hänni, Arvo Junti, Jaak Jõerüüt, Rein Järlik, Ants Järvesaar, Villu Jürjo, Hillar Kalda, Teet Kallas, Peet Kask, Johannes Kass, Kalju Koha, Valeri Kois, Mai Kolossova, Jüri Kork, Toomas Kork, Heino Kostabi, Ahti Kõo, Tiit Käbin,Ants Käärma, Mart Laar, Marju Lauristin, Enn Leisson, Jüri Liim, Jaan Lippmaa, Alar Maarend, Tiit Made, Mart Madissoon, Tõnis Mets, Aavo Mölder, Ülo Nugis, Ants Paju, Eldur Parder, Heldur Peterson, Andrei Prii, Priidu Priks, Jüri E. Põld, Enn Põldroos, Koit Raud, Jüri Reinson, Andrus Ristkok, Jüri Rätsep, Arnold Rüütel, Tõnu Saarman, Edgar Savisaar, Hanno Schotter, Lehte Sööt, Aldo Tamm, Rein Tamme, Andres Tarand, Indrek Toome, Enn Tupp, Ain Tähiste, Uno Ugandi, Ülo Uluots, Heinrich Valk, Ants Veetõusme,Rein Veidemann, Helgi Viirelaid and Vaino Väljas.

The vote for the restoration of the country's independence was confirmed with a strike of the gavel by Ülo Nugis.

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