Mother's Day in El Salvador in 2025

Mother's Day in El Salvador in 2025
  How long until Mother's Day?
Mother's Day is in 44 days
  Dates of Mother's Day in El Salvador
2026 El Salvador Sun, May 10 National Holiday
2025 El Salvador Sat, May 10 National Holiday
2024 El Salvador Fri, May 10 National Holiday
2023 El Salvador Wed, May 10 National Holiday
2022 El Salvador Tue, May 10 National Holiday

In Mexico and many parts of Latin America, Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th each year

  Local name
Día De La Madre
  Mother's Day in other countries
Mother's Day internationally

When is Mother's Day in Mexico?

In Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala, Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th each year.

Areas with large Mexican communities in the United States, such as California and New Mexico may celebrate Mother's Day today, rather than on the second Sunday in May.

Traditions of Mother's Day in Mexico

The tradition of Mother's Day (Día de las Madres) first began on May 10th 1922 when Rafael Alducin, editor of the Mexico City newspaper El Excelsior, wrote an article advocating the celebration of Mother’s Day across Mexico. Though by that time, the American tradition had spread to parts of Mexico, the article supported by a media campaign and the Catholic Church led to the holiday becoming widely observed, with May 10th becoming the accepted date of Mother's Day in Mexico.

According to a custom in Mexico, sons and daughters come to the family home on the day before Mother's Day. Then the custom is to wake mother on May 10th with the traditional song "Las Mañanitas", either a cappella or with the help of a mariachi or a band, usually hired months before.

As in America, it is a tradition in Mexico to send gifts of flowers and cards to mothers, and May 10th is one of the busiest days for restaurants in Mexico and many businesses allow employees to leave at midday.

If May 10th falls during the week, schools often organize Mother's Day activities so that the children can sing songs to their mothers.

The date and traditions of Mexican Mothers' Day have now spread southward to other Latin American countries.

Early History of Mother's Day

Mother's Day is celebrated across the world, in more than 50 countries, though not all countries celebrate it on the same day.

Arguably, the tradition of a day to celebrate mothers can be traced back to the times of the ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods.

Early Christians celebrated the fourth Sunday of Lent as a Mother's festival to honor Mary, the mother of Christ.

In the UK, the tradition of Mother's Day is now very similar to its American counterpart, but its origins are different, as the day commemorates returning to your mother church on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

The English colonists who settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday, as presumably, it would have been a bit of a trip to return to their mother church for the day.

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