Labour Day in Dominica in 2025

Labour Day in Dominica in 2025
  How long until Labour Day?
Labour Day is in 40 days
  Dates of Labour Day in Dominica
2026 Dominica Mon, May 4 National Holiday
2025 Dominica Mon, May 5 National Holiday
2024 Dominica Mon, May 6 National Holiday
2023 Dominica Mon, May 1 National Holiday
2022 Dominica Mon, May 2 National Holiday

As with other Labour Days, this is a day to honour the contributions of workers to the nation.

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When is Dominican Labour Day?

Labour Day is a public holiday in the Commonwealth of Dominica on the first Monday in May.

This holiday is held in honour of the contribution of workers to the country.

History of Dominican Labour Day

Historically the economy of Dominica has been agriculture-based. In recent years it has become a major international financial hub and is aiming to be one of the largest banking centres in the world. Its offshore services are also becoming its main source of income. 

Celebrating the efforts and achievements of workers has been observed at the start of May since the beginning of the 20th century.

The date was chosen due to events that happened in America. In 1884 the American Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions demanded an eight-hour workday, to come in effect as of May 1st 1886. This resulted in the general strike and the Haymarket (in Chicago) Riot of 1886, but eventually also in the official sanction of the eight-hour workday.

The custom spread to Europe and on to the Soviet Union. Its association with communism and socialism is why even though it marks events in America, America celebrates Labor Day on a different date.

The start of May was a useful date on which to hang this holiday as it had been a time of festival and holiday since ancient times. Its roots as a holiday stretch back to the Gaelic Beltane. It was considered the last day of winter when the beginning of summer was celebrated.

During Roman times, May 1st was seen as a key period to celebrate fertility and the arrival of spring. 

In the UK, Labour Day on May 1st was never adopted. A holiday on the first Monday in May was one of the original bank holidays in Scotland. The rest of the UK only started observing the holiday in 1978. And even then, it is sometimes moved, such as in 2020 when it moves to the Friday after the first Monday to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

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