Day of the Basque Country around the world in 2025

Day of the Basque Country around the world in 2025
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Commemorates the Guernica Statute of Autonomy approved in a referendum in 1979.

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When is Day of the Basque Country?

Celebrated annually on October 25th, this is a public holiday in the Basque Country region of Spain.

Bilbao is the principal city in the region.

In the Basque language, it is known as 'Euskadi Eguna'.

In 2016, this holiday is replaced by the Day of the First Constitution of the Basque Country.

History of the Day of the Basque Country

The day commemorates a referendum that was held and approved on October 25th 1979, which defined the political structure of the Basque region as an autonomous community.

The creation of the holiday of the Day of the Basque Country was approved by the Basque Parliament on April 22nd 2010 and it became a holiday in 2011.

Up to 2011 it was the only autonomous region in Spain without a regional holiday.

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