Independent Czechoslovak State Day in Czech Republic in 2025

  How long until Independent Czechoslovak State Day?
Independent Czechoslovak State Day is in 215 days
  Dates of Independent Czechoslovak State Day in Czech Republic
2026 Czech Republic Wed, Oct 28 National Holiday
2025 Czech Republic Tue, Oct 28 National Holiday
2024 Czech Republic Mon, Oct 28 National Holiday
2023 Czech Republic Sat, Oct 28 National Holiday
2022 Czech Republic Fri, Oct 28 National Holiday

Marks the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918

When is Independent Czechoslovak State Day?

Always celebrated on October 28th, this public holiday is the National Day of the Czech Republic.

Also known as Foundation of the Independent Czechoslovak State Day, this holiday commemorates the date in 1918 when Czechoslovakia was created.

History of Independent Czechoslovak State Day

The area of Czechoslovakia had been a part of the Austro Hungarian Empire until the Empire collapsed at the end of the first world war. The Czech speaking areas of Bohemia and Moravia had been under Austrian rule while Slovakia was part of Hungary.

Before the first world war, there had been nationalist movements in both the Czech lands and Slovakia. Despite the Czech area being an industrialised region and Slovakia being a mainly agricultural-based country, the two regions took the opportunity to become a new nation.

'Czechoslovak' independence was proclaimed in Prague's Wenceslas Square on October 28th 1918. The president of the 'First Republic' was Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, who was the leader of the nationalist movement outside the Austro Hungarian Empire.

How is Independent Czechoslovak State Day celebrated?

On this day, the president of the Czech Republic, together with key members of the government will place flowers on the grave of President Masaryk. In the evening, the Czech president will present honours and awards to leaders of cultural and social life in the Czech Republic.

This day is not a holiday in Slovakia.

A law that came into effect at the end of 2016 specifies eight national holidays when stores larger than 200 square meters have to stay closed applies to this holiday.

Did you know?

Three facts about Independent Czechoslovak State Day

Czech people are the world’s heaviest consumers of beer.

Charles University in Prague, founded in 1348, is the oldest university in Central Europe.

Popular foods of the Czech people include Vepřo Knedlo Zelo, a roast pork with bread dumplings and stewed cabbage, and Bramboráky, or potato pancakes, traditionally presented with sauerkraut.

More facts about Independent Czechoslovak State Day

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