International Human Rights Day in Cambodia in 2025

International Human Rights Day in Cambodia in 2025
  How long until International Human Rights Day?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of International Human Rights Day in Cambodia
2019 Cambodia Tue, Dec 10 National Holiday
2018 Cambodia Mon, Dec 10 National Holiday
2017 Cambodia Sun, Dec 10 National Holiday
2016 Cambodia Sat, Dec 10 National Holiday
2015 Cambodia Thu, Dec 10 National Holiday

Marks the UN's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  International Human Rights Day in other countries
International Human Rights Day internationally

When is International Human Rights Day?

International Human Rights Day is observed on December 10th each year.

This date marks December 10th 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This day was removed from Cambodia's list of public holidays in 2020 as part of a move to reduce the number of holidays from 28 to 22. 

Keo Remy, president of the Cambodia Human Rights Committee, said despite International Human Rights Day being cut, people can still mark the occasion. 

"We will still celebrate International Human Rights Day on December 10th," Mr Remy said. “Holidays marking freedom of expression are not banned. They were cut because there are many public holidays.”

History of Human Rights Day

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10th 1948, was the result of the experience of the second world war. It is considered a milestone document in the history of human rights.

After the end of the war, and the creation of the United Nations, the international community vowed never again to allow atrocities like those of that conflict happen again.

Did you know?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the most translated document in the world, available in more than 500 languages.

Further Information

UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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