Independence Day in Cambodia in 2025

  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day is in 228 days
  Dates of Independence Day in Cambodia
2026 Cambodia Mon, Nov 9 National Holiday
2025 Cambodia Sun, Nov 9 National Holiday
2024 Cambodia Sat, Nov 9 National Holiday
2023 Cambodia Thu, Nov 9 National Holiday
2022 Cambodia Wed, Nov 9 National Holiday

Cambodia gained independence from France in 1953.

When is Cambodian Independence Day?

This national holiday is celebrated on November 9th each year.

If November 9th falls on a Sunday, the following working day will be a holiday.

The holiday was established to celebrate the anniversary of Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953 and is Cambodia's national holiday.

History of Cambodian Independence Day

The region of Cambodia became an area of influence under the rule of the Angkorian era from the 8th century. By the 15th century, the influence of the Khmers waned and the kingdom was subject to control by the Spanish and Portuguese.

With the arrival of the French in 1863, Cambodia became a protectorate of France and a virtual colony by the twentieth century. In 1941, the French installed Prince Sihanouk on the Cambodian throne. Having sensed that the French influence was affected by World War II, with the support of the Japanese, Sihanouk declared independence from France in March 1945.

Following the defeat of Japan, France regained control of the region, but the move sparked a desire for independence. By July 1953, France had stated that it was ready to grant full independence to Cambodia and on November 9th 1953, full independence was achieved.

King Norodom Sihanouk went on to rule Cambodia for the next 15 years before he was overthrown by a military coup.

How is Cambodian Independence Day Celebrated?

Cambodian Independence Day is celebrated with festivals, parades, and firework displays across Cambodia.

The main celebrations are held in Phnom Penh beginning with a formal ceremony at the Independence Monument, which is situated at the junction of the Preah Norodom and Preah Sihanouk Boulevards.

This is followed by a gala parade featuring colourful floats and marching bands in front of the Royal Palace.

In the evening, the Royal Palace and other buildings are illuminated and a huge fireworks display takes place near the riverbanks of the Royal Palace.

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