La Paz day in La Paz in 2025

La Paz day in La Paz in 2025
La Paz, Bolivia. Image by Pedro Szekely , via Flickr
  How long until La Paz day?
La Paz day
  Dates of La Paz day in La Paz
2026 Thu, Jul 16Regional Holiday
2025 Wed, Jul 16Regional Holiday
2024 Tue, Jul 16Regional Holiday
2023 Sun, Jul 16Regional Holiday
2022 Sat, Jul 16Regional Holiday

Commemorates the uprising against the Spanish that took place on this day in 1809.

  Local name
Día del departamento de La Paz
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When is La Paz Day?

La Paz Day (Día del departamento de La Paz) is a regional public holiday in La Paz on July 16th each year.

This holiday commemorates the uprising against the Spanish that took place on this day in 1809.

History of La Paz Day

Bolivia gained its independence on August 6th 1825, an event celebrated each year on the country's national day. The journey to independence didn't happen overnight. Sixteen years earlier, Bolivia was the location of the first stirrings of nationalism in Latin America. In May 1809, the 'Primer grito libertario' (first shout of freedom) took place in Sucre. Shortly afterwards, the flame of insurrection was lit in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia.

On July 16th 1809 the Bolivian patriot Pedro Domingo Murillo led an uprising led a revolt of mestizos, or those of mixed European and South American heritage, against the Spanish authorities in La Paz. Murillo declared Upper Peru (modern-day Bolivia) to be an independent state, beginning the Bolivian War of Independence.

To commemorate the momentous events of 1809, July 16th is now a municipal holiday in La Paz, and the day is celebrated with parades, concerts, fireworks, and dancing.

Did you know?

La Paz is the second-highest city in the world and was the first South American city to have an electricity supply. It was powered by llama dung. 

July 16th is also Our Lady of Carmel, honouring the Virgin Mary. Mary is the Patroness of Bolivia and the Armed Forces of the Nation, and of La Paz. In fact, the official name of the city is Nuestra Señora de La Paz ('Our lady of peace').

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