Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji around the world in 2025

Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji around the world in 2025
Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab Image via Deposit Photos
  How long until Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji?
Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji
  Dates of Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji around the world
2026 IndiaApr 8
Punjab Wed, Apr 8Regional Holiday
2025 IndiaApr 8
Punjab Tue, Apr 8Regional Holiday
2024 IndiaApr 8
Punjab Mon, Apr 8Regional Holiday
2022 IndiaApr 8
Punjab Fri, Apr 8Regional Holiday
2021 IndiaApr 8
Punjab Thu, Apr 8Regional Holiday

Sri Guru Nabha Das was a 16th century saint, theologian and the writer of the Holy Scripture, The Bhagat Maal.

When is the Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji?

The Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji is observed in the Indian state of Punjab on April 8th each year.

It is normally a restricted holiday, which is a list of holidays additional to the gazetted list, from which a government employee can choose two to observe each year.

History of the Birthday of Sri Guru Nabha Dass Ji

Nabha Dass was born on April 8th 1537 in Bhadrachalam village, located on the banks of river Godavari in the Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh.

Orphaned at the age of five, he was later taken by the revered saints, Shri Agar Dass ji and Keel Dass, to Ghalta Dham temple near Jaipur, Rajasthan.

There, his knowledge and wisdom meant that he was chosen to write about the lives of more than 200 saints. In this sacred scripture, The Bhaktamal, Nabha Das wrote the life history of almost every saint ranging from the Satyug to the Kalyug era.

Guru Nabha Dass belonged to Mahasha also known as doom or dumna community, which is one of the Schedule Caste communities. People from this community are also known as Nabhadassias. The community members are known for making baskets and grain storage containers with bamboo.

There are around 30 lakh people of Mahasha community who live in Punjab, including around one lakh in Pathankot itself. The community has 41 temples including 25 in Pathankot. As per an estimate, people of the community have a presence in around 421 villages of Pathankot. The community also has a large presence in Gurdaspur and Amritsar.

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