Independence Day in Bangladesh in 2026

Independence Day in Bangladesh in 2026
  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day is in 363 days
  Dates of Independence Day in Bangladesh
2026 Bangladesh Thu, Mar 26 National Holiday
2025 Bangladesh Wed, Mar 26 National Holiday
2024 Bangladesh Tue, Mar 26 National Holiday
2023 Bangladesh Sun, Mar 26 National Holiday
2022 Bangladesh Sat, Mar 26 National Holiday

Commemorates the declaration of independence from Pakistan on 26 March 1971 by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

When is Bangladesh Independence Day?

This public holiday is always celebrated on March 26th. The holiday celebrates the Declaration of the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971. It is the National Holiday of Bangladesh.

History of Bangladesh Independence Day

In 1947, India was partitioned by the British, creating the 'Dominion of Pakistan', which was two separate regions to the northwest and northeast of India. The new dominion was governed by West Pakistan, which led to friction between the two regions, with the first signs of a movement for autonomy for East Pakistan appearing in 1949.

In the 1970 general elections, the Bangla-based Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won an overall majority, but the West Pakistani regime was reluctant to hand over power. On March 25th 1970, Pakistani troops were used to quell the growing unrest.

This led to the Independence of Bangladesh being declared by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 26th 1971 and marked the start of the war of Independence. In November 1970, India entered the war, supporting East Pakistan. This led to victory for East Pakistan on 16 December 1970 (marked by the Victory Day holiday).

On gaining its independence, East Pakistan was renamed Bangladesh.

How is Bangladesh Independence Day celebrated?

On the evening of March 25th, a handful of distinguished individuals and groups receive the prestigious Independence Day Award in recognition of their exceptional accomplishments. This annual award celebrates scientists, sports figures, authors, composers, and artists, among others.

The holiday is marked by memorial ceremonies to remember those who lost their lives in the war for independence. In the evening, the main public buildings in the capital, Dhaka, are lit up in the national colours. Many people wear traditional green and red sarees and kurtas to show pride in their national colours. The green represents progress, youth, and the nation’s lush landscape, while the red symbolises sacrifice, rebirth, and the rising sun.

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