Malvinas Day in Argentina in 2025

Malvinas Day in Argentina in 2025
  How long until Malvinas Day?
Malvinas Day is in 11 days
  Dates of Malvinas Day in Argentina
2026 Argentina Thu, Apr 2 National Holiday
2025 Argentina Wed, Apr 2 National Holiday
2024 Argentina Tue, Apr 2 National Holiday
2023 Argentina Sun, Apr 2 National Holiday
2022 Argentina Sat, Apr 2 National Holiday

Tribute to the fallen in the Falklands War, commemorated each year on April 2nd

When is Malvinas Day?

Tribute to the fallen in the Falklands/Malvinas War, commemorated each year on April 2nd.

It is officially called Day of the War Veterans and the Fallen in the Malvinas Islands (Día del Veterano de Guerra y los Caídos en las Islas Malvinas).

What is the history of Malvinas Day?

The Malvinas Islands are probably better known in the English-speaking world by their British name, the Falklands.

The holiday is a tribute to Argentina's fallen soldiers in the Falklands War, which began with the Argentine occupation of the Islands on April 2nd 1982.

Did you know?

The war lasted 74 days, with 255 British and 649 Argentine soldiers, sailors, and airmen, and three civilian Falklanders killed.

Malvinas Day was first introduced in 2001. It replaced the June 10th "Sovereignty over Malvinas Islands" Day, which until then had commemorated the appointment of Luis Vernet as governor of the Islands by Buenos Aires in 1832.

The Argentine government is continuing with its efforts to identify the remains of all it's fallen troops on the islands. Speaking at the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the 649 fallen soldiers on April 2nd 2019, Secretary for Human Rights Claudio Avruj said "this... a very important and emotional event, which adds to the valuable and significant work carried out by the humanitarian mission to identify our Malvinas heroes".

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