National Holidays in South Korea in 2019

South Korea 2019
South Korea

List of Holidays in South Korea in 2019

Day Date Holiday Name Type Comments
Tuesday New Year's Day National Holiday
Monday Korean New Year Holiday National Holiday Seollal
Tuesday Korean New Year National Holiday Seollal
Wednesday Korean New Year Holiday National Holiday Seollal
Friday March 1st Movement National Holiday Independence Movement Day
Wednesday Labour Day Not A Public Holiday Not an official holiday but widely observed
Sunday Children's Day National Holiday
Monday Children's Day (in lieu) National Holiday Substitute Day
Sunday Buddha's Birthday National Holiday 8th day of 4th lunar month
Thursday Memorial Day National Holiday
Wednesday Constitution Day Not A Public Holiday
Thursday Liberation Day National Holiday National Day
Thursday Harvest Festival Holiday National Holiday Day before Chuseok
Friday Harvest Festival National Holiday Chuseok
Saturday Harvest Festival Holiday National Holiday Day after Chuseok
Thursday National Foundation Day National Holiday
Wednesday Hangeul Day National Holiday Korean alphabet day
Wednesday Christmas Day National Holiday


  • Public holidays in South Korea are commonly known as 'Red Days' as this is how they are usually coloured in printed calendars.
  • The Korean government has announced that from the second half of 2014 onwards, if the date of Seollal, Chuseok, or Children's Day falls on Sunday, then the holiday will be extended to Monday.
  • Since August 2021, March 1st Independence Movement Day, National Liberation Day, National Foundation Day and Hangeul Day have been added to the list of holidays that are compensated if they fall on a weekend.
  • Since March 2023, South Korean workers will enjoy an extra day off if either Buddha's Birthday or Christmas overlaps with a Saturday or Sunday.