Republic Day in Malta in 2024

Republic Day in Malta in 2024
  How long until Republic Day?
Republic Day
  Dates of Republic Day in Malta
2026 Malta Sun, Dec 13 Public Holiday
2025 Malta Sat, Dec 13 Public Holiday
2024 Malta Fri, Dec 13 Public Holiday
2023 Malta Wed, Dec 13 Public Holiday
2022 Malta Tue, Dec 13 Public Holiday

On December 13th 1974, the Maltese constitution was substantially revised changing Malta from a Commonwealth realm into a republic

  Local name
Jum ir-Repubblika

When is Maltese Republic Day?

This public holiday is always celebrated on December 13th. In Malta, it is called 'Jum ir-Repubblika'.

This holiday is one of five national days in Malta and marks the day in 1974 when Malta became a republic.

History of Maltese Republic Day

On December 13th 1974, the Maltese constitution was substantially revised.

This effectively changed Malta from being a Commonwealth realm into a republic. The British monarch was no longer head of state and Sir Anthony Mamo became the first president of Malta.

Despite independence and becoming a republic, British troops did not leave Malta until March 31st 1979; this was the first time in its long history that Malta was free from foreign soldiers. That day is commemorated by another public holiday - Freedom Day.

December 13th is also the Feast Day of Saint Lucia, the patron saint of Malta.

How is Maltese Republic Day celebrated?

To mark the day the President of Malta presents awards to those who have served their country or achieved success for Malta. Celebrations take place at St. George's Square in Valletta.

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