Day Guide for Wednesday February 12th 2025 What are the holidays on February 12th 2025?

This is our day guide for Wednesday February 12th 2025 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on February 12th 2025


India (regional): Guru Ravidas Jayanti

Guru Ravidas was a north Indian mystic in the 15th century


India (regional): Bir Chilarai Divas

Bir Chilarai was a legendary 16th century general from the Assam Koch royal dynasty

Public sector only

India (regional): Paid Holiday

Public Holiday for all Government Servants to enable the electors to vote in the General Election to Local Councils.

Myanmar: Union Day

Under the leadership of Bogyoke Aung San Burma was unified in 1947

North Korea: Tree Planting Day

This traditional folk festival involves people across North Korea planting trees

Sri Lanka: Navam Full Moon Poya

Celebrates the appointment of Buddha's two chief disciples and the first-ever Buddhist Council held after the passing away of Lord Buddha

Not a Public Holiday

Taiwan: Lantern Festival

Traditionally celebrated as the birthday of the God of Heaven

Thailand: Makha Bucha

Shortly after Buddha began his teachings, 1250 monks gathered to hear Buddha preach.

Public sector only

USA (regional): Lincoln's Birthday

Abraham Lincoln, was born on February 12th 1809 in LaRue county, Kentucky. He became the 16th president of the United States in 1860

Observances on February 12th 2025

Taiwan: Lantern Festival

Traditionally celebrated as the birthday of the God of Heaven.

USA: International Darwin Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of International Darwin Day

USA: National Plum Pudding Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Plum Pudding Day

International: Red Hand Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Red Hand Day.

USA: Lincoln’s Birthday

Lincoln, was born on 12 Feb 1809 in LaRue county, Kentucky. He became the 16th president of the United States in 1860.

USA: National Lost Penny Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Lost Penny Day.

India: National Productivity Day

A day to recognize the contributions of individuals and organizations in promoting productivity in India.

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General Information for February 12th 2025
There are 9 public holidays today.
Day 43 of 2025
322 days left in 2025
Week 07 of the year
On this Day in History
2000 - Cartoonist Charles M Schulz, creator of the legendary Peanuts comic strips, dies of colon cancer, aged 77.
1980 - US actress Christina Ricci is born.
1816 - The San Carlo, the oldest working opera house in Europe, is destroyed by fire.
1809 - Abraham Lincoln, later to become the 16th President of the United States of America, is born in Larue County, Kentucky.