Day Guide for Monday September 25th 2023 What are the holidays on September 25th 2023?

This is our day guide for Monday September 25th 2023 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on September 25th 2023


Australia (regional): King's Birthday

The King's Birthday holiday is a moveable feast celebrating the birthday of King Charles III.


Bhutan (regional): Thimphu Tshechu Holiday

Second day of public holidays in Timphu for the Tshechu festival


India (regional): Karam Puja

A religious tribal festival that gives thanks to Karam Devta for a good harvest

Israel: Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur is the Jewish day of repentance, considered to be the holiest and most solemn day of the year

Mozambique: Revolution Day

Marks the beginning of the armed struggle against Portuguese colonisation in 1964


New Zealand (regional): South Canterbury Day

South Canterbury Anniversary Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday in September. It commemorates Dominion Day which took place on 26 September 1907.

South Africa: Heritage Day (in lieu)

As Heritage Day falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a public holiday.


Spain (regional): La Mercè (in lieu)

This celebration dates back to 1615, when the Mercedians, a Spanish order, established the feast day in honour of the Virgin Mary


Switzerland (regional): Saint Nicholas of Flüe

Nicholas was a 15th century Swiss hermit and ascetic who is the patron saint of Switzerland

Trinidad and Tobago: Republic Day (in lieu)

As Independence Day falls on a Sunday in 2023, the following Monday will be a public holiday

Observances on September 25th 2023

USA: National Lobster Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Lobster Day

USA: Math Storytelling Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Math Storytelling Day

USA: National Comic Book Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Comic Book Day

USA: National One-Hit Wonder Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National One-Hit Wonder Day

USA: National Tune-Up Day

Before the cold weather really kicks in, this day is a reminder to sort out your central heating.

India: Antyodaya Diwas

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Antyodaya Diwas in India.

International: World Dream Day

On this day, people around the world declare, share, celebrate and activate their dreams.

International: World Pharmacists Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of World Pharmacists Day.

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General Information for September 25th 2023
There are 10 public holidays today.
Day 268 of 2023
97 days left in 2023
Week 39 of the year
On this Day in History
1983 - Maze Prison escape: 38 republican prisoners, armed with 6 handguns, hijack a prison meals lorry and smash their way out of the Maze prison. It is the largest prison escape since WWII and in British history.
1962 - The infamous Patterson vs Liston boxing match takes place.
1959 - Solomon Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka is mortally wounded by a Buddhist monk, Talduwe Somarama, and dies the next day.
1926 - The international Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery is first signed.