General Information for May 22nd 2023 |
There are 10 public holidays today. |
Day 142 of 2023 |
223 days left in 2023 |
Week 21 of the year |
On this Day in History |
2006 - At 1pm, thousands of GCSE students across the United Kingdom sit down to their first Humanities paper - little do they know that they are victims of the 2006 GCSE Humanities Paper Debacle. |
1969 - Lundy Island, UK is bought by the National Trust. |
1915 - The worst train crash ever to occur in the UK takes place at Quintinshill in Scotland - the accident involves five different trains, with a death toll of 227. |
1455 - The Yorkists are victorious over the Lancastrians at the First Battle of St Albans, heralding the start of the War of the Roses. |