Day Guide for Monday August 1st 2022 What are the holidays on August 1st 2022?

This is our day guide for Monday August 1st 2022 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on August 1st 2022

International: First Sermon Of Lord Buddha

A public holiday on the fourth day of the sixth month in the Bhutanese calendar

International: Emancipation Day

Marks the end of Slavery across the British Empire on August 1st 1834

Anguilla: August Monday

August Monday is the focal day of the Anguillan Carnival and the island's biggest holiday

Antigua and Barbuda: Carnival Monday

A colourful spectacle on the early-morning on the Monday is the J'ouvert, a street party that mimics the celebrations that took place on August 1st 1834 when slavery was abolished.

Not a Public Holiday

Australia (regional): Bank Holiday

Banks close in New South Wales on the first Monday in August


Australia (regional): Picnic Day

Originally declared a public holiday to enable Darwin's railway workers to go to Adelaide River for a picnic.

Barbados: Kadooment Day

First Monday in August. Climax of a carnival to mark the end of the sugar cane harvest

Benin: Independence Day

Marks Benin gaining full independence from France on 1 August 1960

British Virgin Islands: Emancipation Monday

Emancipation Festival in the British Virgin Islands marks three-days of public holidays


Canada (regional): Heritage Day

An optional general holiday observed by most companies to celebrate the heritage of Alberta


Canada (regional): Civic Holiday

The first Monday in August in Ontario is a statutory holiday that is widely observed by many employers


Canada (regional): Civic Day

Throughout Canada, the first Monday in August is generally a holiday though it is known by different names in different areas

DR Congo: Parents' Day

A public holiday to honour the role of Mothers and Fathers in Congolese society

Iceland: Commerce Day

This holiday was first observed Thursday September 13th 1894. The date is known as it was agreed on at a meeting of unions and managers from the larger shops in Reykjavík

Ireland: August Bank

The August Bank Holiday in Republic of Ireland is observed on the first Monday in August


Nicaragua (regional): Descent of Saint Dominic

At the end of the 19th century, in Managua, the discovery of a small statue of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, led to the creation of two days of traditional holidays to celebrate the patron saint of Nicaragua's capital city.


Nigeria (regional): Islamic New Year

Marks Islamic New Year and the Prophet's journey from Mecca to Medina in 622AD.

Switzerland: National Day

On August 1st 1291, the three forest cantons of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden signed the Federal Charter on the Rütli field, near to Lake Lucerne

Trinidad and Tobago: Emancipation Day

Emancipation Day became a national holiday in Trinidad on Aug 1, 1985. People celebrate the day with parties, cultural events and performances. The festivities conclude with the Flambeau march to honor the courage of the formerly enslaved ancestors.

Tuvalu: Tuvalu National Children's Day

A public holiday on the first Monday in August to honour the youth of Tuvalu.


United Kingdom (regional): Summer bank holiday

Scotland only. This holiday is observed on the first Monday in August

Zambia: Farmers' Day

A day to celebrate the contribution and work of the agricultural sector in Zambia

Observances on August 1st 2022

United Kingdom: Albariño Day

Raise a glass to this crisp Iberian white wine.

USA: National Girlfriends Day

National Girlfriends Day, a celebration of the women you love, be it your significant other or your best friend.

USA: National Minority Donor Awareness Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Minority Donor Awareness Day

USA: National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

USA: Respect for Parents Day

We have a feeling an unappreciated parent may have come up with the idea for this holiday.

Russia: The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of World War I

Find out the dates, history and traditions of The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of World War I

United Kingdom: Yorkshire day

Yorkshire is the largest county in England by area.

USA: Sandwich Month

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Sandwich Month

International: Happiness Happens Month

Find out the dates, history and background to Happiness Happens Month

USA: American Adventures Month

Be a happy camper. Or hotel resident. It doesn't matter - just get out and explore America.

USA: Kids Eat Right Month

Highlights healthy eating and active lifestyles for every age group from infant to teens.

International: Emancipation Day

Marks the end of Slavery across the British Empire on August 1st 1834

USA: Black Business Month

Recognize and support the many local Black-owned businesses and Black-owned businesses across America

International: World RNA Day

World RNA Day is observed to publicize the importance of this molecule in the generation of proteins in the body.

USA: Child Support Awareness Month

August is Child Support Awareness Month, a national campaign aimed to spread awareness about child support services.

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General Information for August 1st 2022
There are 22 public holidays today.
Day 213 of 2022
152 days left in 2022
Week 31 of the year
On this Day in History
1960 - Dahomey (later renamed Benin) declares independence from France.
1932 - The positron (antiparticle of the electron) is discovered by Carl D. Anderson.
1834 - Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into force.
69 - Batavian rebellion: The Batavians in Germania Inferior (Netherlands) revolt under the leadership of Gaius Julius Civilis.