This is our day guide for Wednesday December 1st 2021 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?
November 30th 2021 | Go to Today | December 2nd 2021
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General Information for December 1st 2021 | |
There are 8 public holidays today. | |
Day 335 of 2021 | |
30 days left in 2021 | |
Week 48 of the year | |
On this Day in History | |
2013 - China launches Yutu or Jade Rabbit, its first lunar rover, as part of the Chang'e 3 lunar exploration mission. | |
1918 - Transylvania unites with the Kingdom of Romania, following the incorporation of Bessarabia (March 27) and Bukovina (November 28), thus concluding the Great Union. | |
1913 – Crete, having obtained self rule from Turkey after the First Balkan War, is annexed by Greece. | |
1828 – Argentine general Juan Lavalle makes a coup against governor Manuel Dorrego, beginning the Decembrist revolution. |