This is our day guide for Tuesday November 17th 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?
November 16th 2020 | Go to Today | November 18th 2020
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General Information for November 17th 2020 | |
There are 3 public holidays today. | |
Day 322 of 2020 | |
44 days left in 2020 | |
Week 47 of the year | |
On this Day in History | |
1933 – United States recognizes Soviet Union. | |
1811 - José Miguel Carrera, Chilean founding father, is sworn in as President of the executive Junta of the government of Chile. | |
1511 - Spain and England ally against France. | |
474 – Emperor Leo II dies after a reign of 10 months. He is succeeded by his father Zeno, who becomes sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. |