Day Guide for Saturday August 15th 2020 What are the holidays on August 15th 2020?

This is our day guide for Saturday August 15th 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on August 15th 2020

International: Assumption Day

The Feast of the Assumption is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ

Bangladesh: National Mourning Day

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family were killed by the Army in 1975

Congo: Independence Day

The Republic of the Congo received full independence from France on August 15th 1960

Equatorial Guinea: Constitution Day

Equatorial Guinea Constitution Day commemorates the adoption of the constitution on August 15th 1982.

India: Independence Day

On the 15th of August 1947, India became completely independent from British rule

Italy: Ferragosto

Ferragosto is a popular summer holiday in Italy that marks the Feast of the Assumption but has its roots in Ancient Rome

Not a Public Holiday

Japan: Obon

Obon is a popular three-day Buddhist festival in Japan focused on the spirits of ancestors.

Liechtenstein: National Day

Commemorates the birthday of Prince Franz Josef II as well as the Feast of the Assumption

North Korea: National Liberation Day

Marks the liberation of Korea after 35 years of Japanese imperial rule in 1945

Paraguay: Founding of Asunción

Asunción is one of the oldest Spanish cities in South America, founded on August 15th 1537

South Korea: Liberation Day

Marks the liberation of Korea from 35 years of Japanese imperial rule in 1945 after the end of the second World War.

Observances on August 15th 2020

USA: National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

USA: National Relaxation Day

Let's celebrate this day, but don't do anything too strenuous.

USA: National V-J Day

Commemorates the end of second world war when Japan's surrender was announced on August 14th 1945.

Poland: Polish Armed Forces Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Polish Armed Forces Day

USA: National Honey Bee Day

There is always a lot of buzz about this awareness day.

Canada: National Acadian Day

Though the French colony of Acadia may have disappeared the spirit of those early settlers lives on through its descendants.

Japan: Obon

Obon is a popular three-day Buddhist festival in Japan focused on the spirits of ancestors.

International: International Geocaching Day

This very modern treasure hunt takes place on the third Saturday in August

Egypt: Flooding of the Nile

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Flooding of the Nile.

Ireland: National Heritage Week

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Heritage Week in Ireland.

International: World Day of Homeless Animals

International Homeless Animals’ Day is a reason to draw public attention to homeless animals and promote spay/neuter and adoption.

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General Information for August 15th 2020
There are 11 public holidays today.
Day 228 of 2020
138 days left in 2020
Week 33 of the year
On this Day in History
1971 - Bahrain gains independence from the United Kingdom.
1969 - Woodstock rock and roll concert opens.
1965 - The Beatles play to nearly 60,000 fans at Shea Stadium in New York, New York, an event later regarded as the birth of stadium rock.
1483 - Parliament asks Gloucester to take the throne.