Day Guide for Thursday April 16th 2020 What are the holidays on April 16th 2020?

This is our day guide for Thursday April 16th 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on April 16th 2020

International: Public Holiday

Information about the attempts to tackle the Coronavirus Outbreak by declaring public holidays.

Lao: Lao New Year Holiday

Fourth day of holidays to mark the Lao New Year

Myanmar: Thingyan Holiday

Fourth day of the Water Festival before Burmese New Year

Public sector only

USA (regional): Emancipation Day

Washington DC Only. Weekday closest to April 16th. marks the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia

Observances on April 16th 2020

Denmark: Birthday of Queen Margrethe II

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Birthday of Queen Margrethe II

USA: National Eggs Benedict Day

Eggs Benedict has become a classic American breakfast dish enjoyed by many people around the world.

USA: National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning..

USA: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

You can probably get away with wearing your PJs on this day at the office, but don't suggest a pajama party.

USA: National High Five Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National High Five Day

International: World Voice Day

The voice is a crucial tool not only in education but also in the daily work for about 30% of the entire working population.

USA: National Librarian Day

Celebrate National Librarian Day and the impact of these knowledge custodians in our lives, fostering learning and literacy for all.

April 15th 2020 | Go to Today | April 17th 2020

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General Information for April 16th 2020
There are 4 public holidays today.
Day 107 of 2020
259 days left in 2020
Week 16 of the year
On this Day in History
2003 - The Treaty of Accession is signed in Athens, admitting ten new member states to the European Union.
1972 - Apollo 16 is launched.
1935 - The public first hear the new 'swing' sound of Glenn Miller.
1924 - The Presbytery of Phoenix of the Presbyterain Church meets in session - a stage in the Americanisation of the Pima Nation.