Bank Holidays in the Isle of Man 2020

Bank Holidays in the Isle of Man 2020

The Isle of Man Government has confirmed that the following dates will be Bank Holidays in the Isle of Man in 2020, in accordance with the provisions of the Bank Holidays Act 1989.

In line with the recent announcement by the UK Government, the Early May Bank Holiday will be held on Friday May 8th to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day).

As Tynwald Day falls on a sunday in 2020, Monday July 6th will be a Bank Holiday. Boxing Day is also moved to the following Monday as it falls on a Saturday in 2020.

The Senior Race Day is confirmed to fall on Friday June 12th.

Bank holidays in Isle of Man in 2020

Weekday Date Holiday Comments
Wednesday New Year's Day First Monday if 1st is Saturday or Sunday
Tuesday Shrove Tuesday Shrove Tuesday. Not a Public Holiday
Sunday Mothering Sunday Not a National Holiday
Friday Good Friday
Monday Easter Monday
Friday Early May Bank Holiday Moved for 75th VE Day
Monday Late May Bank Holiday Last Monday in May
Sunday Father's Day 3rd Sunday in June. Not a public holiday
Monday Tynwald Day (in lieu)
Friday T.T. Bank Holiday Moved to August due to COVID-19
Monday Summer Bank Holiday Last Monday in August
Sunday Remembrance Sunday Not a public holiday. Sunday closest to 11 November
Friday Christmas Day
Monday Boxing Day (in lieu)
