José Gregorio Hernández Day in 2024

When is José Gregorio Hernández Day?


When is José Gregorio Hernández Day?

José Gregorio Hernández Day (Dia del Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez) is a bank holiday in Venezuela. It is observed on October 26th, but may be moved to a nearby Monday.

Dr. José Gregorio Hernández is a famous folk figure in Venezuela known for serving the poor.

About José Gregorio Hernández

Dia del Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez is not just another date on the Venezuelan banking calendar. It is a day to honor the life and work of Dr. Hernandez, a visionary who walked the tightrope between science and faith, navigating the complex world of medicine with an unparalleled human touch.

José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros OFS (26 October 1864 – 29 June 1919) was a Venezuelan physician. 

Born in Isnotú, Trujillo State, he became a highly renowned doctor. 

After his death, Hernández' stature began to reach mythic proportions. People around the country started claiming to have been granted miracles after praying for his intercession to God.

Hernández is commonly invoked as "José Gregorio" by both doctors and patients for healing purposes. He is also called upon for protection during overland journeys. Eventually, his name became known all over Latin America and Spain.

He was beatified by the Catholic Church in 2021.

The doctor's beatification was approved by Pope Francis after the Vatican verified the miracle of the girl Yaxury Solorzano, who was given no hope of life by doctors after getting shot in the head in 2017.

Yaxury's mother, who is devoted to Jose Gregorio, prayed for her daughter's healing. After spending 20 days hospitalized with a reserved prognosis, the girl left the hospital safe and sound, walking and talking normally.

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